المرجع الالكتروني للمعلوماتية
المرجع الألكتروني للمعلوماتية

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منذ 20 ساعة   نشر في  ٢٠٢٤/٠٩/١٤ م
Imam Ali (PBUH) said: One who struggles for the cause of Allah secures victory over His enemies.
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منذ 23 ساعة   نشر في  ٢٠٢٤/٠٩/١٤ م
May Strengthen Your Vision

Adding zucchini to your diet may aid your vision.

That’s partly because zucchini is rich in vitamin C and beta-carotene — two nutrients important for eye health.

Zucchini also contains the antioxidants lutein and zeaxanthin. Research shows that these antioxidants can accumulate in your retina, improving your vision and reducing your risk of age-related eye diseases.
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منذ يومين   نشر في  ٢٠٢٤/٠٩/١٣ م
Moreover, diets rich in carotenoids — likewise found in zucchini — appear particularly protective against heart disease.

The fiber, potassium, and carotenoids in zucchini may lower blood pressure, cholesterol, and other risk factors for heart disease.
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منذ 3 ايام   نشر في  ٢٠٢٤/٠٩/١٢ م
Imam Ali (PBUH) said: Your supremacy over others is in proportion to the extent of your knowledge and wisdom.
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منذ 3 ايام   نشر في  ٢٠٢٤/٠٩/١٢ م
In a review of 67 studies, consuming as little as 2–10 grams of soluble fiber per day for around 1–2 months reduced, on average, total cholesterol by 1.7 mg/dl and “bad” LDL cholesterol by 2.2 mg/dl.

Zucchini is also rich in potassium, which may help reduce high blood pressure by dilating your blood vessels. Healthier blood pressure is linked to a lower risk of heart disease and stroke.
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منذ 4 ايام   نشر في  ٢٠٢٤/٠٩/١١ م
Imam Ali (PBUH) said: If you want to remove evil from the minds of others then first give up evil intentions yourself.
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منذ 4 ايام   نشر في  ٢٠٢٤/٠٩/١١ م
May Improve Heart Health
Zucchini may also contribute to heart health.

Its high fiber content may be largely responsible. Observational studies show that people who eat more fiber have a lower risk of heart disease.

Pectin, one type of soluble fiber found in zucchini, appears particularly effective at reducing total and “bad” LDL cholesterol levels.
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منذ 6 ايام   نشر في  ٢٠٢٤/٠٩/٠٩ م
Imam Ali (PBUH) said: Obstinacy will prevent you from a correct decision.
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منذ 6 ايام   نشر في  ٢٠٢٤/٠٩/٠٩ م
The fiber found in zucchini may also help increase insulin sensitivity, which can help stabilize blood sugar as well.

Additionally, animal studies note that zucchini peel extract may help reduce blood sugar and insulin levels. This may be due to the skin’s potent antioxidants

However, human research is needed before strong conclusions can be made.

Zucchini’s fiber may increase insulin sensitivity and stabilize blood sugar levels, potentially .. Read more
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منذ 7 ايام   نشر في  ٢٠٢٤/٠٩/٠٨ م
Imam Ali (PBUH) said: Greed is permanent slavery.
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  • شروط النشر
    • نلفت عناية المشاركين الأعزاء الى :
    - تُحظرُ المنشورات المسيئة للأديان والرموز المقدسة .
    - تُحظرُ المنشورات المتضمنة لألفاظٍ خادشةٍ للآداب والذوق العام .
    - تُحظرُ المنشورات المُحرّضة على العنف وإذكاء النعرات .
    - قبل إرسالكَ المنشور ، تذكّر قوله تعالى : (مَا يَلْفِظُ مِنْ قَوْلٍ إِلَّا لَدَيْهِ رَقِيبٌ عَتِيدٌ)

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