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Date: 12-4-2021
Date: 5-5-2021
Date: 1-5-2021
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Voltage/current/resistance circuit
Most dc circuits can be ultimately boiled down to three major components: a voltage source, a set of conductors, and a resistance. This is shown in the schematic diagram of Fig. 1. The voltage or EMF source is called E; the current in the conductor is called I; the resistance is called R. The standard units for these components are the volt, the ampere, and the ohm respectively.
Fig. 1: Simple dc circuit. The voltage is E, the current is I, and the resistance is R.
You already know that there is a relationship among these three quantities. If one of them changes, then one or both of the others will also change. If you make the resistance smaller, the current will get larger. If you make the EMF source smaller, the current will decrease. If the current in the circuit increases, the voltage across the resistor will increase. There is a simple arithmetic relationship between these three quantities.
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