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Date: 22-2-2020
Date: 25-2-2020
Date: 15-2-2020
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The semiconductor laser is another type of solid state laser that uses a semiconducting material like germanium or silicon. When the temperature of the semiconducting material is increased, electrons move from the valence band to the conducting band creating holes in the valence band.
In between the conducting band and valence band is a region where there are no energy levels, called the band gap. Applying a voltage to the semiconductor causes electrons to move to the conduction band creating a population inversion. Irradiating a semiconductor with incident light matching the energy of the forbidden area causes a large transition from the conduction band to the valence band, increasing and amplifying the incident light.
Figure 11. Schematic of semicondecor laser
دراسة تكشف منافع ومخاطر عقاقير خفض الوزن
ارتفاع تكاليف إنتاج الهيدروجين ونقله يعرقل انتشاره في قطاع النقل
قسم الشؤون الفكرية يرفد مكتبة جامعة العميد بمجموعةٍ جديدة من الكتب العلمية