Conflict with Instincts
12:3:18 2025-01-13 158

The sense of superiority and preference is considered one of the innate desires in every boy and young man, or one of the basic pillars that enter into the advancement of man.

And the young man who wants to satisfy this natural desire in himself, you see him tend towards heroes, and begins to imitate famous men, and searches through the struggle with his sports competitors, for example, for the championship title, for an example to prove his existence and superiority, ignoring his inner competitor - The nafs al-ammārah- without achieving a way to overthrow this powerful suffering.

But Islam sees that the most important evidence of human superiority is his struggle against his instincts and overcoming them. In other explicit words, we say: The hero in the eyes of people is the one who overcomes his competitor in a championship, while the hero in the eyes of Islam is a person’s strong will that overcomes his whims and instincts.

It was narrated from the Noble Prophet (peace be upon him and his progeny) that he said: (A strong person isn’t who overcomes others, rather who overcomes himself).

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