Seven motivational phrases from some celebrities
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The first: “Take your time to plan and research well, but the time for implementation is to stop thinking and hesitating and go.”

This phrase was said by Bill Gates, the businessman and founder of Microsoft, along with Paul Allen, and this phrase focuses on two principles: (successful planning) and (not procrastinating in implementation)

Second: “You must be very patient and very persistent. This world will not shower you with gold coins just because you have a wonderful idea. You must work like crazy until the idea gets people’s attention, because they will not buy it unless they know about it.”

This is what Herb Kelleher, the businessman and founder of Southwest Airlines, said:

The core of his phrase refers to the principle of “strive and persevere in the field of work to demonstrate your idea.”

Third: “Always do the unexpected.”

This is a phrase by Larry Page, the businessman, who co-founded the search engine and Google with Sergey Brin, and it refers to the importance of innovation and creativity in the business world.

Fourth: “If you do the easy things first, you will find that you have actually made noticeable progress.”

This is a phrase by Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of Facebook, in which he focuses on the principle of not rushing into large projects directly. This is a reason for failure, or if you want to start implementing your goals, start with what is easy, and thus you will find yourself having accomplished your tasks and achieving remarkable achievement.

Fifth: “Simplicity is the key to brilliance.” This phrase is from Bruce Lee, the martial arts professional, and despite its simplicity, it gives you the key to brightness and brilliance in the sky of stardom. No matter how successful you are, you must be humble, as arrogance will not make you Loved and brilliant.

Sixth: “There are many things that you must do to succeed. I do not only do what I like to do, but I do everything necessary for my company to succeed. I do not spend time doing the things that I like.” This is a phrase by Michael Dell, the founder of Dell Company, and this phrase summarizes the meanings of integrity based on principles and rules in work, not on mood, desire and whims.

Seventh: “I hated every moment of training, but I used to say: Don’t give up, get tired now and then live as a champion for the rest of your life.”

This phrase is from the famous boxer (Muhammad Ali Clay), and by saying this he indicates the necessity of transcending the bitterness and hardship of fatigue in achieving the goal and ambition for the sweetness of success and victory.

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