6 things to consider before getting a tattoo
11:53:44 2018-06-08 705

The word tattoo comes from the Tahitian "tatu" which means "to mark something."

Tattooing has existed since 12,000 years BC. The purpose of tattooing has varied from culture to culture according to its place on the time line. But there are commonalties that prevail from the earliest known tattoos to those being done on our youth today that just ‘look cool’.

Tattoos have always had an important role in ritual and tradition. In Borneo, Asia, women tattooed their symbols on their forearm indicating their particular skill. If a woman wore a symbol indicating she was a skilled weaver, her status was elevated.

In other tradicional countries, a few generations ago, old men and women had tattoos done around the chin, wrist and fingers because they said it healed illnesses.

Throughout history and in present as well tattoos have also signified membership in a clan or tribe.

But fast forward to today, where our youth and sometimes older people are getting tattooed for looks or to honor someone or something.

However, the consequence to getting inked is criticism as it is slightly considered taboo.

Let’s look at the six disadvantages of tattoos:

1.            It’s permanent

Are you sure that ten years later, you will still like whatever you are getting inked on your body right now?

2.            It makes you come across as an outsider

If you travel a lot, you might go to a society that believes tattooed people are either outlaws, or rebellious people by nature.

3.            It’s risky

Unless you are getting it done from a skilled person at a professional reputed parlor, tattoos are risky. Some people are allergic to the ink, while others can get an infection because of infected needles or equipment being used in low-cost parlors.

4.            You can’t donate blood

In some states, you cannot donate blood for at least one year after getting a tattoo on your body.

5.            It limits your choice of professions

In professions where the physical appearance of a person is very important, tattoos are not considered good. Therefore, it can ruin your career in the hospitality industry, marketing, finance, media etc.

6.            Costs more to remove it

Of course you can always remove a tattoo but it would cost you extra money and the scars it might leave behind, oh and of course the pain.

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