the beginning
3:40:30 2018-04-11 725

With the revelation of each religion that exists, there are certain remarkable events, where without them the religion would simple not spread nor come to be known as it is known today. If one were to observe the holy religion of Islam, one would clearly be able to see that without specific historical events, Islam would simply cease to exist. But by the Grace and mercy of Allah SWT certain occasions were to take place so that Islam was able to spread throughout the holy world.

One of the most dominant occurrences in the history of Islam that truly acts as a foundation of the holy religion was when the angel Gabriel revealed to Prophet Muhammed the first verses of the Holy Quran, and told him that he was now appointed as Allah’s Prophet and messenger of divine revelations. The origin of Islam is generally accredited to the prophet Muhammad but to the devout Muslim, Islam began long before Muhammad ever walked on the face of the earth. The Qur'an was dictated by Prophet Muhammad but, according to the Qur'an, it did not originate with the prophet. Islam is known as the completion to the other three divine religions that had existed before it, and the messages in the holy Quran simply came to reveal and complete the scriptures that came with each previous religion.

The conditions in the Arab peninsula, which was where Prophet Muhammed PBUH lived, were extremely chaotic, as the tribes ruled and inequality was acceptable and carried out. Existing in such conditions was immensely difficult for the Prophet, therefore he would often spend his time in a cave far away from where the tribes were, and this cave came to be known as “Hira”. Prophet Muhammed PBUH would a majority amount of time meditating and prating to Allah SWT. In one of the nights when Prophet Muhammed PBUH was praying in the cave, the angel Gabriel descended and spoke to the holy Prophet. Prophet Muhammed welcomed Gabriel AS as if he had been expecting him, and Gabriel AS brought the tidings that Allah SWT had chosen him to be His Last Messenger to Mankind, and congratulated him on being selected to become the recipient of the greatest of all honors for a mortal in this world.

Gabriel AS then revealed to Prophet Muhammed PBUH the first verse of the Holy Quran by saying: "Recite in the Name of Your Lord Who created. He created the human being from a clot. Recite and your Lord is Most Honorable, Who taught (to write) with the pen, taught the human being what he knew not..."

Upon hearing the command of his Creator, Prophet Muhammed PBUH had no hesitation in accepting the divine mission nor did he have any difficulty in repeating the verses of the First Revelation. Although Prophet Muhammed at this point had just been told that he is now one of Allah’s chosen Prophets, he had previous knowledge that he was mission oriented to carry out he Holy messages of Allah SWT, the revelation and command by Gabriel AS were signals to carry out what he PBUH was created to do. 

When Prophet Muhammed PBUH came to leave Cave Hira to head back home, he was presented with another revelation as Gabriel AS descended to deliver the news by saying, “O Thou wrapped up (in a mantle)! Arise and deliver thy warning! And thy lord do thou magnify. “

This verse was a signal for the Prophet PBUH to begin spreading the message within the unbelieving and unsystematic community he lived in. Knowing the amount of ignorance the tribes at the time had harbouring within them, Prophet Muhammed PBUH knew this was not only going to be difficult but also threatening to his life and the life of his loved ones.

After receiving both revelations, Prophet Muhammed PBUH returned to his house and discussed what had occurred with him to his beloved wife Khadija AS. As for Khadija AS she always knew that Prophet Muhammed was not an ordinary individual and that is was inevitable that one day he was to carry a divine message, therefore believing in him and embracing Islam was something she did not hesitate to do nor question. However there has been another narration that the first to enter into the religion of Islam out of the male existing at the time was Imam Ali AS, with Khadija AS being the second.

This occurrence was simply one of the most divine and merciful, and continues to be celebrated each year during the holy month of Ramadhan.

Spreading the new religion was one of the most difficult things for Prophet Muhammed PBUH to do. Knowing that this could ultimately lead to constant battling and war, the Prophet decided to reveal what had been revealed to him to those who were closest to him. Belonging to the most powerful tribe in the Arab Peninsula that were the main worshipers of idols and statues, revealing the divine message and ordering them to believe in one God was the most difficult take Prophet Muhammed PBUH had to endure. By the time Prophet Muhammed PBUH had delivered the message revealed to him in Hira, word spread quickly throughout Makkah, which resulted in many enemies and a minimal amount of supporters, which put the Prophet’s life at a high risk of being martyred. Throughout the thirteen years Prophet Muhammed preached Islam in Makkah, he had also been secretly sending his companions to Medina and had many convert to the merciful religion. After finding out what the Prophet had been doing and realizing that the community was slowly becoming on his side, they attempted to kill the Prophet PBUH numerous times, and many wars erupted due to this reason. These events however will be discussed later in future episodes.

As mentioned before, a perfect cause can never be distributed throughout the world and remain eternally without specific and great events taking place. Without the miraculous and great events that occurred throughout the Islamic history, Islam simply wouldn’t be the religion it is today. It is actually impossible for one to even consider what was to happen if the event of the great revelation didn’t occur, as that acts as the roots of the spreading of the religion of Islam.


Reality Of Islam

Divorce in the Quran

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Dowry in the Quran

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Surah Al-Ikhlas

11:36:41   2024-05-28  

Persistence in Sin

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Neglect (Ghaflah)

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Aversion (Karahah)

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Sakhat (discontent)

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A Mathematical Approach to the Quran

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Imam Ali Describes the Holy Quran

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