A successful educator is one who knows how to tell stories to his children play with them and create happy memories in their childhood. The characteristics of a successful educator are:
First: Piety: A successful educator is one who fears Allah in all aspects of his life and knows with certainty that all matters are in Allah’s hands and He determines them as He wills, and his son’s affairs are in Allah’s hands. Therefore, he fears Allah in the source of his money, in his work, in his food and drink.
Second: Seeking help from Allah and praying for children: The successful educator is the one who seeks help from Allah in raising his children. In the hadith, the Prophet (peace be upon him and his family) says: “If you ask, ask Allah, and if you seek help, seek help from Allah.” The successful educator is the one who prays to Allah to reform and guide his children. The prayers of the mother and father are answered. The prophets used to pray for their children for good, and beware of praying evil for your son because your prayers are answered.
Third: A good role model: He should be a good role model for his children in his words and actions. Amr ibn Utbah brought his son’s teacher, and before he taught his son, he said to him: “Let the first thing you do to reform my son be to reform yourself, for his eye is fixed on your eye. What is good to him is what you do, and what is bad to him is what you leave.” He knows that his children will take their teacher as a role model.
Fourth: Mercy: The successful educator is merciful to his children and does not treat them harshly in a materialistic manner. Or moral, and in the hadith the Prophet (peace be upon him and his family) says: “He is not one of us who does not have mercy on our young ones.” The successful educator is the one who smiles in the face of his children and is not rude or harsh, so they disperse from around him. It is mercy not to burden the son with what he cannot bear.
Fifth: Good communication: He should master the skill of positive communication with his children on the intellectual level through dialogue, on the emotional level through love, and on the behavioral level through play and stories. The educator masters the skill of listening well to his children and how to manage dialogue with them to solve their problems and satisfy their needs.
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